
December 2013Husky Completes Acquisition of Medical and Closure Mold Maker Schöttli

Bolton, Ontario, December 19, 2013 – Husky Injection Molding Systems today announced the completion of the acquisition of the Schöttli Group of Diessenhofen, Switzerland, recognized as a global leader in medical and closure mold making.

With this acquisition, Husky will gain a deeper knowledge in the select medical applications that Schöttli focuses, as well as gain the expertise to build the strongest melt delivery system in the medical market. In addition, Schöttli complements Husky’s existing closures business and will extend the company’s presence in established and emerging markets. 

“By leveraging each other’s strengths, we will have the opportunity to learn and grow our medical business, as well as build upon our strong closures business so that we can continue to provide customers with the industry’s best service and most innovative technology to produce the highest quality parts,” said John Galt, Husky’s President and CEO. “Our knowledge in PET preform molding has been gained through a detailed understanding of our customers’ needs at the tooling level. This similar approach was reflected in our purchase of KTW for closures, and now in the purchase of Schöttli for medical. We look forward to the advancements this development will bring to both our business and our customers.”

In May 2011, Husky formally acquired KTW of Waidhofen, Austria, recognized as a global leader in closure mold making. This acquisition has enabled Husky to become a global presence in the closures market and the largest supplier of injection molding equipment for beverage closure manufacturing.


Source: Husky
Title: Husky Completes Acquisition of Medical and Closure Mold Maker Schöttli
Date Published: December 19, 2013
Date Accessed: June 12, 2014

Company Details

  • Bolton, Ontariohusky.coEN-US
  • Year Invested2011
  • Year Realized2018
  • IndustryIndustrials
  • TypesInternational, Leveraged Buyout

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